Ron Hudson August 11, 2012 Oasis Oasis: Created for a Purpose Ron Hudson August 11, 2012 Oasis Tonight we review the story of Jonah and ask ourselves what is God asking me to do for my city?
pastorhudson August 5, 2012 Oasis Sunday: Faith 7 pastorhudson August 5, 2012 Oasis Listen as Pastor Joe continues our series on faith through James.
Ron Hudson August 5, 2012 Oasis Oasis: Habits of a Healthy Christian 4 Ron Hudson August 5, 2012 Oasis Listen as Pastor Ron talks about the importance of good Spiritual habits.
Ron Hudson July 28, 2012 Oasis Oasis: Habits of a Healthy Christian 3 Ron Hudson July 28, 2012 Oasis Listen as Pastor Ron explores the mind and how we can employ habits that help us replace our wrong thoughts with thoughts that Glorify God.