
What should I expect when I visit?

  • Expect to be loved and accepted! We are so thrilled with the love and grace that God has shown us that we can't help but extend that same love and grace to others.

  • Expect to meet with God! Our worship music, service structure, and talks are all designed to provide you an opportunity to meet with God. We are passionately convinced that if you will allow Him, God will meet you where you are and radically transform your life.

What Should I Wear?

  • Come as you are!

  • We are a diverse group with many different styles. You will see people in suit & tie, shorts & sandals, jeans and t-shirt, and all the crazy in-between! 1 Samuel 16:7 teaches that God looks at the heart. We are much more concerned with what is going on inside than outside.

Is there something for my kids?

  • Yes! No matter what age your child is we have something for them!

  • At every service we have dynamic programing for infants - 5th grade!

What about my Teens?

  • Wednesday nights, while the adults are in small groups, we have a service specifically designed for your students 6th-12th. This includes exciting games, dynamic talks about real issues, small groups with an adult mentor, and a great social group.

  • Our philosophy is that teens are a vital part of the body of Christ. So during Sunday service the teens worship together with the rest of the adults. Many of our students serve in the media team, worship band, and other responsibilities. Our desire is that your student becomes integrated with the body of Christ and is comfortable serving so when they graduate they already own their own faith.

I'd like to come, but my life is a mess!

  • You are more than ready!

  • If we told you we had everything together we would be lying. The reason we come together to meet with God is because none of us have it all figured out, and we need God to guide and teach every one of us!

  • Each one of us is at a different place in their spiritual journey. Whether you've known God for 30 years, 3 days, or not at all, please come take your next step with us. We'd love to celebrate with you as you grow to know and follow Jesus Christ.