Hold Fast
Share Hope 2 Homework
Reach Over & Touch Your Neighbor
Here’s a little levity for your Wednesday!
April 27 COVID-19 Update
Join us for Part 2 of our Series #ShareHope
Join us this Sunday at 10am to learn how to become a person who has hope! Just click “Live” above!
Virtual Youth Group Instructions
Virtual youth group for 6-12th grade kicks off Monday April 27th at 7pm!
Here’s how to signup with Microsoft Teams. If you get stuck please email Joe at joe.eafrati at gmail.com.
Share Hope Week 1 Homework
3 Steps To Use Jesus Power
Great Job CBC Response Team!
Virtual Youth Group Starts April 27th
New Series Starts Tomorrow!
Message from Allison!
Let's Help our Missionaries!
Hey cbcfamily,
I just got off the phone with one of our missionaries in the Philippines
Greg Lyons is a pastor of pastors and has raised up about 50 National pastors and churches in the Philippines. Some of these pastors entire church budget is less than $500 a month. With that they rent rooms and facilities and share the gospel on weekends and throughout the week in small groups and discipleship relationships.
77% of the population in their churches are unbanked. Which means they are cash only. So they can not give online to support their local church at this time.
So we want to help these pastors and these churches stay alive through this crisis. Greg has asked us to commit to $200 but I think we can do better than that.
We don’t want anybody to go hungry during this time. So if you are in-need in our local community please contact us so we can help! But if you’re doing OK, and want to support our missionaries at this time
Then click here to give. Make sure you select “Missions” as the fund.
Every cent that we receive as missions we will then send out to our missionaries.
Thank you for being a generous church and For helping broken people find hope not just in Fayette county, but all over the word. I love you guys, I miss you guys. I trust God. We will get through this in Jesus name.